Monday, December 12, 2011

Knowing Him in Secret

Nicodemus knew Jesus was some sort of prophet, or at least a catalyst for morality. He was perplexed by what to do with this information so he followed his teaching secretly. To acknowledge any impact of his theology publicly would be embarrassing.

Nicodemus was a skeptic of sorts, not willing to take action on this new instruction from this young country preacher, but at least willing to go and see what he has to say.

There is a reason for a night time consultation. A clandestine meeting would not be seen by the others in the Sanhedrin (the ruling council in the synagogue), so Nicodemus isn't taking much of a risk.

A low impact encounter, that was all he wanted. To warm himself by the fire, watch the flames in the night air, and sip a cup of hot cocoa with Jesus. Isn't that what we all want? A comfy little religion, an unchallengeable sermon in the third row from the back, a private audience with a few sleeping disciples scattered around?

He has reached the conclusion, in his private thoughts, that Jesus would certainly agree that a little chat with him would benefit both of them. To Nicodemus, a quick little visit was all he needed. Maybe he could come once a week, discuss the latest teaching for 30 minutes or so, go back home. The little sessions would be fun! He could write a homily for Saturday worship with the inspiration of his young friend.

After all, Nicodemus was an old man. He was entering the senior years of his career and everyone respected him. Tenure in academia has it rewards, one of which is to embrace brave, revolutionary commentary.

As an elder rabbi, he is shocked to see that Jesus is excited by his visit!

Jesus' face lights up as he approaches. "Why Nicodemus, you came my old friend. All along, I've wanted you to come. Even if you are ashamed to meet me in daylight. It is OK, you came."

Nicodemus is saddened by his motives, Jesus saw right through him.. He feels the pull of his words, his compassion. All his life he loved people, but never had he been so welcoming to another person. So why was Jesus so anxious for him to come?

"Only you can even remotely understand what I am about to say, the others will get it after class. Since you want a little one on one, here it is."

The wrinkled rabbi trembles.

"This whole thing about why I came, Nicodemus, why you are here tonight. It is about a new, everlasting life. You don't think that, but it is true. In fact, it was probably lurking in your mind the entire time, you didn't know it, but it is there. To turn back the hands of time, to understand, means to start life over again, like a newborn."

His old mind is playing tricks on him. Did he say something about "we" and "our" just a minute ago? He isn't seeing double. There is only one young man sitting across from him.

"We bear witness to these things, so it is important to clear this up tonight. In order to receive insight into life, eternal life, to clearly understand why I am here, you need to gasp for air again like when the midwife slapped your bottom."

How can this be? The years flash before him. He spent decades reading and studying the scriptures, he worked hard to sit on the high council. A newborn, what?

Nicodemus ponders the premise, entertains the notion. He has an open mind, he prides himself in being willing to listen to others.

Not now though, this is to hard. In fact, it seems like foolishness really. But, maybe in another secret meeting. He'll find out more. He walks back home for now, stumbling along the path at night. How can he sleep after hearing these words?

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